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NORTH AMERICAN FUR. #24 (2010) (1)

NORTH AMERICAN FUR. #24 (2010) (1)

$ 22.95

This is only available for grownup humans. 

NORTH AMERICAN FUR #24 ($22.95) features illustrations, comics and text stories by Hughes, WhiteDragonNL, Giles, Dorrycott, Kennedy, Marcinkevicius, Owens, Schopfer, ReDaDillio, Brandt, Robertson, Pounds, Losiniecki, Foxy, ImmortalPanda, Xevelous, Portzebie, Melendez, Higgs, Corbett, Buttenshaw, Madison, FoxyFennec, Howard, Pysz, TouchMyBadger, Breshears, Thompson, Cannan, Bolton, Pulsifer, Birdsall. Cover by Sheryl Schopfer.

Summer 2010        338 pages  b&w 8-1/2x11 softcover from Jarlidium Press 

This item is long out of print.  This is our only copy.